Blooming RomanceChapter 78


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  1. I hope Father Lin and and Lin Yachen clears up their relationship in the future. Also, it’s really great seeing Chu Xun chug vinegar hahahhaha.

    Thank you for the chapter!!

  2. They need to go to his father to tell him a good new because that man needs a grandson in his life.

  3. LY’s dad will probably appear when the papparazzi conflict starts… [thank you for the chapter <3]

  4. Poor dad. He really needs to meets JiuJiu. And I didn’t realize LY was so young!

    Thank you

  5. I really hope that the two share everything with his father. His father seems really miserable and having a grandchild will be such a great news. Thank you for the update

  6. Ahh those guys need to communicate more with each other, either Chu Xun and little Lin or little Lin with father Lin 😤

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  7. Both papa Lins are so cute and sweet. I hope we shall see some face slapping soon. Still worried about photog.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  8. It’s about time we see Chu Xun jealous! 😀

    I would hope Xiao Lin’s dad would just be open and honest with him. He wants to be a part of his life but doesn’t know how.

    Also, he bought out his company, and sure, it might have been for Lin’s own good, but he went about it the wrong way.

    I thought the stalker is related to the Ji guy.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  9. Poor Father Lin. Xiao Lin, you should start preparing to bring Chu Xun and Jiu Jiu to him. Jiu Jiu might be able to soothe his soul.

    Thank you for translating 💐🙇‍♀️💕

  10. LYC’s dad is such a cute fellow. It’s just unfortunate that LYC doesn’t trust his father after the tragedy struck. Every novel always lacks something and this one lack communication ba..

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  11. aw, i feel bad lin yanchen’s dad doesnt know what’s going on in his son’s life. he seems so lonely telling his opinions and feelings to his departed wife. i hope the photographer knows what’s good for him and deletes those photos…. or else he’s gonna suffer consequences lmao

    im glad lin yanchen has grown into being a dad. he’s getting there! ty for the chapter

  12. don’t worry lin father, you’ll have a family again soon!!! and waiting for these sh*t talkers to get face slapped 😤😤