Blooming RomanceChapter 80


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  1. Best father award id for father lin. So heartwarming to see the two of them reconcile and knowing each other better. Can’t wait to see how happy Father Lin is after knowing he has a grandchild. Thank you for the update🤍

  2. Glad the father and son talk went well. Although Father Lin probably need a drink to digest the M-Preg confession 😆 Thanks for the chapter 💕

  3. Thanks for the really have a good father and the last bomb😂😂

  4. He’s about to give his father a stroke. You can’t drop all those bombs on an old man all at the same time!

  5. Ahhhh!!! Grandpa Lin thought nothing could shock him after his son came out! I predict he’s going to be delighted to have a grandson!

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  6. I’m glad he finally told him I can’t wait for the whole family to come together and meet each other!

  7. Nice to see them talk together and reconcile~ Looking forward to the grandpa meeting Chu Xun and Jiujiu

    Thanks for the update! 💕

  8. If father Lin was a robot I think his processor would blow up from information overload 🤣🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  9. What a bomb 😂😂😂

    I’m really eager go see how the previous bf bomb went in the previous chapter

  10. family reconciliation…its happening, hopefully Grampa Lin will love the little dumpling

    Thank you for the chapter!

  11. That bomb was very very unexpected for now Grandpa Lin. But not an unwanted surprise surely!

    I hope Lin Father gets to see the little bun and JiuJiu gets more attached to Lin Father 😆 it would be so cute!

    Thank you so much for translating 💐🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

  12. reconnect with your son, find out you’re a grandfather. Father Lin! get rid of that trash son and start over with your new son.

  13. I knew it, the key is com mu ni ca ti- on! It’s always a huge problem hmph hmph. But now that everything is sorted out, I can finally see the amusing reactions xD. Papa LYC is so precious xD.

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕 Looking forward to the next.

  14. Father : I am calm mountain Tai

    Lin Yanchen continued to throw bombs. “We already have a child; his
    formal name is ‘Chu Yu,’ and his nickname is ‘Jiu Jiu.’ He’s nine and a
    half months old already.”

    after that :smoking.jpg this world really changed ah

  15. Poor Dad is just trying to connect with his son and had no way of preparing for all these bomb blasts.