You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh36 - Shameless double-standard dog!


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Translator's Note

Mo Chen uses he

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  1. Lmao he wants to use the competition to stake his claim xD And oooh, this Liu Weizhe seems interesting. More importantly, he sounds beautiful af

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Wen Xi and Mo Chen are so cute together ahhh. I love his new character already!

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  3. Aww can’t wait to see Xixi play together with FTW team

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  4. Yaaaaay!!! Additional release days! I was hoping for this when I saw PUBG Romance of the Century nearing the end… O(≧∇≦)O

    Thank you Juurensha!!!

  5. Mo Chen’s comments about Wen Xi are always super ambiguous! It’s not difficult to get carried away thinking he ha deeper feelings than teammate or friend..

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  6. Ahhh. Mo Chen really acts as a Boyfriend! He’s so courteous and kind!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. Awwwwww they’re so cutteee and adorableee! I need more dog food hehehehehheAlso the club members are so funny hahahhah

    Aside for that DOUBLE RELEASES!!!???? Huhuhhuhuhuuu thanks so much to the translators.You guys just made my day. I can’t wait for the next chapters.

  8. Yay – XiXi’s joined CLM! The Ice Cream Comp – a great way for Momo to show the archer assassin is his 😆

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  9. So what one-sided thing does he have for Xixi coz what he said after completely stopped me from thinking it was love. But at the same time I’m not surprised since they are both kinda (very) dense.

  10. Under Wen Xi’s gaze, Mo Chen looked at all of his lamps and coughed, explaining, “I’m afraid of the dark.”

    I can definitely see mo chen using this to his advantage…

  11. Oh so here comes the wedding.. cough cough the first professional competition for Xixi