You Use a Gun, I Use a BowCh37 - Everything I’ve done for you is worth it.


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Translator's Note

~71,000 usd

Translator's Note

~28,567 usd

Translator's Note

5715 usd

Translator's Note

~3970 usd

Translator's Note

looks like the emoticon for a crying face QAQ

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  1. Ahh Momo knows what he feels for Xixi 🥰

    CLM fighting!!

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. Aww, Momo admits his feelings for Xixi. Let the ambiguous comments continue 😘

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  3. thank you for the chapter !!

    also i can’t be the only one who found liu weizhe’s words ominous? im worried 😅

  4. Wow! That was a long chapter! Thank you for your hard work! I look forward to these chapters, every week!

  5. I feel soo very sorry for Lan Yan. But I want Xixi to play. Urgh at least he could take part in other activities.

  6. Eh? I thought Momo would be out, since he’s already really good, isn’t better Xixi be in his place and see how the team works? Who’s better than who in this competition will be the main team…. But still there’s that part, in wich LY was performing worst since last year …

    • I think Mo Chen’s whole motivation for bringing in Wen Xi is to have a teammate who can match his momentum, cause the whole team drama so far is that Mo Chen outshines everyone so no one wants to join CLM. I don’t think he ever intended for Wen Xi to play without him, so it makes sense that he wouldn’t sit out the team competition. With Wen Xi on the team he’ll actually have a teammate who can reliably keep up with him.

  7. I can understand Momo’s decision here. The author even specifically mentioned that Lan Yan’s condition when playing hasn’t been as good as previously, so it makes sense for Wen Xi to go up with his skills. I hope that Wen Xi can integrate with the team soon and that there won’t be any hurt from this decision 🥺