The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh92 - Feeding the Cat


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Translator's Note

一盘散沙(yīpán-sǎnshā) a tray of sand; a heap of loose sand—be in a state of disunity; be disunited; lacking spirit of cooperation

Translator's Note

呆若木鸡 (dāiruòmùjī) be dumb as a wooden chicken—be dumb-struck/transfixed (with fear or amazement)

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  1. Welcome back! Thank you for translating! Hope you feel better 😟

  2. Wait, dont go in there!! haha
    Thank you so much for the new chapters!!!!!! 😍
    I'm so glad you are back!!

  3. Lolll I feel like he wanted them to hear?

    Thanks for the great translation and hope you’re ok 😮

  4. I hope you’re feeling better! Take good care of you.

    I bet Qingtong won’t be too happy for Xuanji’s intervention 😅

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Right? It doesn’t really make sense. Maybe the author wanted to sound fancy or innovative or whatever. But it didn’t go very well. Also, if we go along those lines, the ice cold ones should turn into ice, thus XZ was just eating a flavourless ice cube? 🤔

  6. maybe if the fish died naturally in the water, it will turn into water.

    but if someone caught and kill it outside the water. it will stay… fish.