The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh93 - Argument


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Translator's Note

In ancient China, fortune-tellers would throw turtle shells and animal bones into a fire and perform divination from the resulting cracks.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Diviners would submit questions to deities, these questions were carved onto the bone or shell in oracle bone script using a sharp tool. Intense heat was then applied with a metal rod until the bone or shell cracked due to thermal expansion. The diviner would then interpret the pattern of cracks and write the prognostication upon the piece as well.

Vtjcu vscjras lcrmglyfv abgablrf qijragbc:



Translator's Note

八卦 (bāɡuà)

Translator's Note

Here it’s actually using 欺师灭祖 (qī shī miè zǔ): Deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors, meaning someone who goes against the social mores of filial piety. It was just too long to use it as an adjective.

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  1. Could Meng Hu be faking it? Cause he clearly saw his Shizun asking to be carried inside in a very spoiled manner…

    When he was kidnapped for breeding, did he even understand what he was supposed to do?!?

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  2. Where dod Xuan Ji come from?

    Was he the turtle shell Yu Li threw? Also where is Yu Li?

    Thanks for the chapter! (≧▽≦)

    • Please read the note at the bottom of the chapter, I screwed up when using “replace all” for the names and just noticed it recently. It has been fixed now, sorry for the inconvenience.

      • Okay, thanks!

        The translation’s always been great, thank you for being amazing!

  3. He must speed up his upgrading or the sects Will take the chance to attack again.

    ’cause addiction’?! Mo Tianliao is shameless 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. tianlang and xuanji are like overprotective brothers definitely not approving of mo tianliao as their brother-in-law 😂😂

  5. Meng Hu is really……. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Too sweet. 😍 No wonder he’s XZ’s disciple. Only he could raise such a naive cutie 😂

  6. There’s a quotation mark at the end of the below sentence that shouldn’t be there:

    That is, he was trying to check which was stronger, a Xuanwu shell or an Everlasting Tree.”

    Meng Hu and Mo Xiong are so clueless, hahaha

    Meanwhile, Xuanji is almost bursting with indignation 🤣

  7. Cattails – I love it that you called yourself “freaking idiot!” Your translation is really great! I also love your translator comments at the end of the chapters. Thanks a lot!