The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh91 - Identity


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Translator's Note

神通广大 (shén tōng guǎng dà) have vast magic powers; possess unusual powers; be infinitely resourceful.

Translator's Note

万 (wàn) ten thousand / a great number
鬼 (guǐ) ghost / demon / terrible / damnable / clever / sly / crafty
绝杀 (juéshā) to deal the fatal blow (sports, chess etc) / to score the winning point
阵 (zhèn) array

Translator's Note

五体投地 (wǔ tǐ tóu dì) throw oneself down at sb.’s feet in admiration; kneel at the feet of sb (with the greatest and most sincere admiration); be knocked out with admiration; worship.

Translator's Note

Not a typo, 师爹(shī diē) means Master’s husband.
师 (shī) teacher / master / expert /
爹 (diē) dad

Translator's Note

呀 (ya) particle equivalent to 啊 (a) after a vowel, expressing surprise, doubt or mild emphasis.

Translator's Note

Original used a mix of characters and letters like this:

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  1. Ohhh. So fierce!! Awesome!

    Buuuuut those People tried to kill them once, can’t they try it again?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. I like his fierceness😍 So awesome❤️

    Now the problem is that Lu Bi..I hope she die soon😅


  3. Thanks for the chapter update. Meng Hu being cute as usual.

  4. Ahh this is what I get for being greedy, I read too eagerly and now I have to wait for another chapter ;-; the life of an idiot. I should’ve read two chapters a day instead of 90 in 2….anyways Thank you for the amazing translations!

  5. I’m worried about Xuanji and Mo Xiong. Xuanji obviously has a clue and didn’t want to go inside, but was dragged by his ignorant disciple…