The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh86 - Blossoming


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Translator's Note

开花 (kāihuā) means to blossom but also to feel happy or smile happily (among other things).

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  1. Mo Tianliao is totally unrestrained now, huh?

    That little theater was hilarious.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. lmao that mini theater. those considered treasures in the cultivation world were just playthings for the lord kitty

  3. So MTL was not that conscientious as a pop scooper. Shaming the name of pop scooper all around the world.

  4. Typo: “Meng Hu patted the extremely excited Measter Hua”

    ››› “Measter” should be “Master”

    MTL is really so shameless but we love it (and so does Lord Qingtong, really)