The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh85 - Rocking Horse


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Translator's Note

久仰 (jiǔyang) honorific: I’ve long looked forward to meeting you. / It’s an honour to meet you at last.

Used when meeting someone you’ve heard of (not necessarily admired)

Translator's Note

Basically to act as Viagra and to help alleviate soreness in the lumbar region:blobrofl:

Translator's Note

Actually, it says 法制在线
It’s probably a parody of Law Online (法治在线)
法制 (fǎzhì) legal system and institutions
法治 (fǎzhì) rule of law / to rule by law N3HIFQ

Law Online is apparently a program on CCTV-13 (中国中央电视台新闻频道), China Central Television News Channel, which is the biggest news channel on mainland China.

Translator's Note

Apparently, a play on 虐妻一时爽,追妻火葬场.
If you abuse your wife (虐妻) you may feel good temporarily (一时爽)but you’ll end up following the wife to the crematorium (追妻火葬场 meaning you’ll end up suffering too in the end.

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  1. MT, you shameless man!!

    Really shameless way of getting his heavenly lube- cough

    Even more shamelessly hinting at his nightly activities to everyone one. Leave the innocent shiaiong alone!!


  2. Big Fatty is sso innocent. He didn’t understand the naughty words! Fufufu

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • “I’m going for a drink with da-shixiong, Master. You go to sleep first,” Mo Tianliao whispered in his ear.

      A burst of white light flashed, and the beauty in his arms disappeared without a trace, in his place, a snow-coloured furball was hanging from his clothes. His meaning was obvious, he wanted to go with him.

      Mo Tianliao could not help laughing, he put a hand under the kitten’s butt, helped him climb into his clothes, and went out.


      Can’t rest assured Hubby’s going alone to drink.🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. HwaQing…you just give that Heavenly L**e😷 for free🤣

    Poor Shixiong..He’s so innocent…He even worry for Mo losing some essence😂Not only Meng Hu..everyone in the sect has been tricked by Mo, old and experienced spirit, many times😅😅

  4. I bet MTL has been wanting to boast for ages. Only now did he get the chance to do so. 😂 And will have to shed some wood shavings for it.

  5. Typo: “There was nothing to be taken cared during the afternoon”

    ››› “cared” should probably be “care of

    Also: “Mo Tianliao sat in the floor”

    ››› “in” should be “on

    I hope it’s okay to still point these out, it’s just that the flow of your translation is so good that it feels a pity to leave these tiny mistakes in.

    Also: Mo Tianliao, you shameless swindler 🤣🤣🤣