The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh87 - Returning Home


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Translator's Note

天马行空 (tiān mǎ xíng kōng) a heavenly steed soaring across the skies — a powerful and unconstrained style/ an unrestrained and vigorous style that brims with talent.

Translator's Note

仁至义尽 (rén zhì yì jìn) do everything called for by humanity and duty; do what is humanly possible to help.

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  1. Tianliang knows Qingtong has a lover and he’s approving of Mo Tianliao?! Or could it be he said that only to scare that woman away.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Thanks for all the chapter updates this week! 💕🌻

  3. Mwhahahha I really like MTL’s personality. He’s the kind of person who would rather break his own things then let others use them. It makes sense tho. All his items are ones crafted by him so they’re literally something he got his hands on through blood and tears. For someone to go into his own turf, it means they’re a thief. So why should they get to use his items?

    His way of thinking and crafting is very suited for the so called ‘demonic path’.