The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh88 - Teletransportation


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Translator's Note

泾渭分明 (jīnɡ-wèi fēnmínɡ) be as different as the clear water from the Jinghe River and the turbid water from the Weihe River―be entirely/utterly/strikingly different.

Translator's Note

剑拔弩张 (jiànbá-nǔzhānɡ) with swords drawn and bows bent―(of a situation) becoming dangerously explosive; at daggers drawn.

Translator's Note

超凡 (chāo fán) to transcend the worldly; out of the ordinary; uncommon; extraordinary.

Translator's Note

龙飞凤舞 (lóng fēi fèng wǔ) like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing — lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy; beautiful penmanship; elegant handwriting; exquisite calligraphy.

Translator's Note

Calcine the sky, that is, 煅天 (Duantian)

Translator's Note

What it actually says is 神灭道消 which is something like “the soul vanishes and the Dao disappears” which is very similar to this idiom:
神灭形消 (shén miè xíng xiāo) which literally reads “the soul vanishes and the body disappears”, meaning death. At least that’s what I think? No idea if that’s correct.

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  1. Really want to know how lord kitty feels about his home being invaded like so 🤔🥺😢

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story with us 💐🙏👏❤️🧨

  2. The cat has to keep his energy to ‘play’ with MTL, so he can leave the job of catching all these thieving mice to the array. 😂

  3. Typo: “Only now did these people found out”

    ››› “found” should be *”find” *

    I don’t like that MTL and Lord Kitty were separated, but I’ll trust in MTL’s abilities to scheme and outsmart everyone! GO CATCH THOSE RATS and then feed your cat some cold spring fish