The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh89 - Illusion Array


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Translator's Note

鸟语花香 (niǎoyǔ-huāxiāng) birds sing and flowers give forth their fragrance.

Translator's Note

青面獠牙 (qīng miàn liáo yá) green-faced and long-toothed―terrifying in appearance; ferocious/hideous/fiendish features (of an ogre).

Translator's Note

声东击西 (shēngdōng-jīxī) make a feint to the east and attack in the west—aim at a pigeon and shoot at a crow; look one way and row another.

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

A paifang (牌坊), also known as a pailou, is a traditional style of Chinese architectural arch or gateway structure. Taken from Wikipedia.

Translator's Note

灭口 (mièkǒu) (of a criminal) do away with a witness/accomplice to prevent leakage of information.

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  1. “ he bit the hem of Mo Tianliao’s clothes and was dragged inside”

    Shixiong, are you a tiger or a dog? Hahahahaha

  2. When I saw the word misdirection underlined I legit thought it’s got something to do with Kuroko 😂 Anyway that smol theatre at the end is cute. And they are finally home 🎉🎉🎉

  3. lord kitty doesn’t want to go home alone, my heart is melting. he was waiting for 300 years for his man in order for them to return home together 😭😭