The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh82 - Meal Bell


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Translator's Note

八字还没一撇 (bā zì hái méi yī piě)

Things have not even begun to take shape/ no sign of success yet.
Lit. there is not even the first stroke of the character 八 No3uqT

The Four Pillars of Destiny, as known as “Ba-Zi” (八字), which means “eight characters” or “eight words” in Chinese, is a Chinese astrological concept that a person’s destiny or fate can be divined by the two sexagenary cycle characters assigned to their birth year, month, day, and hour.
Before a marriage occurred, Chinese families would consult a matchmaker using Ba-Zi to determine the compatibility between the two people, predicting whether a couple’s future would be stable or result in a disaster.

Translator's Note

Yun Song:,

Translator's Note

落剑 (luò jiàn shí)

落 (luò) to fall or drop

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

剑(jiàn) double-edged sword Fvz s3

石 (shí) rock / stone

Translator's Note

青 (qīng) green / blue / black / youth / young (of people)
冥 (míng) dark / deep / stupid / the underworld

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  1. All these jerks. Time to restore some balance to the numbers. I may have just advocated genocide. Whoops time to go to bed.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  2. How can they use that horn in someone else’s sect? Who they think they are? It’s preposterous! They’re asking for a beating.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Tianlang Zhenren is so patient..If it were me, if someone dared to use that horn in my territory, I would have broken it into pieces right here right there..not even spare the user😤 Blame to the rudeness..not because I have sth to hide😌

  4. Yun Song is so buttiful! 🌸 XD

    Catzun is gonna beat them all up for stealing his disciple! ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)

    Thanks for the chapter! (≧▽≦)

  5. God! I wanna kill each of those righteous f*cker!!! They are such hypocrites!!!

    Good job taishi!! I hope big fatty gets rescued soon.Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  6. Hi, can anyone tell me what happened to the notifications? The previous/next chapter tab is back but I can’t find where the notifications are.

  7. Urghh, I’m so fed up with those righteous cultivators from the other sects…😤

    Thanks for the chapter! 💜😊

  8. Did they really think the sect leader asked them to go into the sect bc he was being polite and hospitable? Don’t they say that you need a special token to enter and exit a sect? If they entered, let’s see how they’ll leave later on, especially now that their little ploy has been unearthed.

  9. carp braised in soy sauce 😂 (looking at yu li)

    ew… please. don’t give me that creepy image of an ugly “bride” 🤣🤣🤣

  10. How does Yun Yuan think she’s going to win the favour of Qingtong Zhenren by stealing his demonic beast??? Or at least going along with the rest of her sect when they do it?