The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh83 - Wolf Pup


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Translator's Note

An albino Burmese python.
One of the five largest species of snakes in the world. Wild individuals average 3.7 m (12.1 ft) long, but have been known to reach 5.74 m (18.8 ft).
Taken from Wikipedia

Translator's Note

He says 公母授受不亲, the usual line is 男女授受不亲. He changed men and women (男女) for male and female animals (公母). PdBFaH

From Mencius, who said: ‘He who would not so rescue the drowning woman is a wolf. For males and females not to allow their hands to touch in giving and receiving is the general rule; when a sister-in-law is drowning, to rescue her with the hand is a peculiar exigency.’

Translator's Note

以卵击石 (yǐ luǎn jī shí) throw an egg against a rock — court defeat by fighting against overwhelming odds.

Translator's Note

This can also be used figuratively to mean fierce woman / vixen.

Translator's Note

I can’t tell if he’s looking at him oddly or amusedly.

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  1. OMG! Qingtong licked Lamg Zi?! Waah! The image is so cute! Has someone made fanart of that?

    Thanks for this cute chapter! (≧▽≦)

    (PS: That bullshit they came up with is thé best! It had me roaring from laughter! Hahahaha! 🤣)

  2. Hahahaha poor Meng Hu…

    Can beast really be ugly?!? Aren’t they all beautiful?

    I bet Mo Tianliao is gonna do something shameless to let them all know their place hehehe The art is beautiful!!!Thanks for the chapter♡

  3. MTL is a big vinegar jar always overflowing!😂

    Thank you so much for the chapter!♥️

  4. Why do I see a giant vat of vinegar about to tip over.

    Poor big fatty.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. Lang Zi is gonna die slowly and painfully. Qingtong is licking him! Mo Tianliao won’t be happy.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. “With the unbound Demonic Beast being this aggressive, this raising method of the Woyun Sect is really not work the effort.”

    It should be worth the effort, yeah?

  7. Typo

    Yun Song immediately felt like he had been fooled. He released his divine sense and noticed that there were two people still at the back of the hall, his expression changed. The [there] were three Half-Immortal cultivators from Woyun Sect in the hall, well-matched to his own group of three when it came to strength, but there were also two Nascent Soul cultivators, Yan Lie and Mo Tianliao, and two additional Golden Core cultivators at the back. If they all joined forces, things could turn very ugly.

    lamented. With the unbound Demonic Beast being this aggressive, this raising method of the Woyun Sect is really not work [worth] the effort.” Yun Song saw how fierce Lang Zi was an he could not help shaking his head.

  8. Yun Song noticed that MTL is already at Nascent, but did he completely forget that MTL fought his Foundation Establishment disciple less than a year ago? 😅

  9. Typo: “Spirit Beasts were usually used to sooth the soul”

    ››› “sooth” should be “soothe

    (sooth means truth or fact, soothe means to pacify, relieve, comfort)

    I’m so glad Meng Hu was rescued fairly smoothly!