The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh81 - Returning to the Sect


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Translator's Note

Yes, the chapter title is the same as chapter 51.

Translator's Note

灭门之祸 (miè mén zhī huò) Meaning the whole household will be exterminated as a punishment for being implicated in some crime. It comes from the Book of Zhou 《周书·王轨传》

Translator's Note

匹夫无罪,怀璧其罪 (pǐ fū wú zuì,huái bì qí zuì) An innocent man gets into trouble because of his wealth/ One’s only crime was to have jade.
From the Zuo zhuan which is the source of more Chinese sayings and idioms than any other classical work. Specifically the section regarding Duke Huan of Lu 《左传·桓公十年》
According to Baidu Baike, originally it meant “treasures attract misfortune” but later it came to mean “those who have talent and ideals will suffer.”

Translator's Note

流碧 (liúbì)
流 (liú) to flow / to circulate or spread / to move or drift / stream of water or sth resembling one /
碧(bì) green jade / bluish green / blue / jade

Translator's Note

云鹤 (yún hè)
云(yún) cloud
鹤 (hè) crane

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  1. Thanks for the update😍😍

    Truly..whenever I saw people with evil mind speak of righteousness in cultivation novels, I really wanna beat them into pulp😠 These bunch of bastards😤

  2. I hope the fox siblings are secured inside Qingtong’s bracelet… or those scums are going to snatch them.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Unbelievable. Or rather, should I say, it’s unfortunately believable. Convenient to hide selfish intentions inside fancy words for the greater good.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. “whoever finds it gets it” buddy the entire world recognized that qingtong “found” it first, if he wants it unbound that’s his freedom

  5. I hope XZ and MTL can keep the little munchkins safe. If they have a good weaponsmith, the demonic beasts could definitely become the strongest faction. Kind of looking forward to it now.

    PS little munchkins = the demonic beasts