The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh77.2 - Hunting


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Translator's Note

阿鼻地狱 (ābí dìyù) Avīci. In Buddhism, Avīci is the lowest level of the Naraka or “hell” realm, with the most suffering, into which the dead who have committed grave misdeeds may be reborn. Link to Wikipedia for more info.

Translator's Note

眼 (yǎn) eye / small hole / crux (of a matter)

Translator's Note

毁尸灭迹 (huǐshī-mièjì) chop up a corpse and obliterate all traces; burn the corpse to destroy the evidence; bury the corpse in order to destroy all traces of one’s crime; reduce the corpse to ashes in order to destroy all traces.

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  1. What foxes, What food? Qingtong is half dressed! Hahaha. Mo Tianliao’s thoughts can be really basic.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. He dropped the foxes after seeing him hahaha..

  3. I’m surprised MT didn’t toss the foxes out of the palace for peeping. 😆. 🦊 🦊 💥

    Thank you. 🎉

  4. It seems like he’s totally accepted being called baby

    /* can relate …. one computer per family is no longer enough ;A; */

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  5. I’m pretty sure he saw internal demons. And was having a qi deviation, that’s why he didn’t stop chopping even after they died.

    Thanks for the chapter! (≧▽≦)

  6. Thank you for translating this beautiful novel. I hope the global situation getting better for all of us!!❤️❤️