The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh78 - Healing


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Translator's Note

老天 (lǎotiān) God / Heavens

Translator's Note

张牙舞爪 (zhāng yá wǔ zhǎo) bare fangs and brandish claws — make threatening gestures; be fierce-looking

Translator's Note

Regular qi is 灵气 (língqì), meaning spiritual influence (of mountains etc).

Demonic qi is 魔气 (móqì).

Translator's Note

The word used here is actually 采补 (cǎi bǔ), meaning to make oneself strong by using another’s energy or essence. I think this is used only in the context of sexual relationships.

Translator's Note

上火 (shàng huǒ) Get angry/ Get inflamed

火 means fire.

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  1. omgg the fox siblings are too cute

    dumb lil sweets

    (although the slight foolishness in this incident is simply the result of their good nature loool)

    thanks for the chapter!

  2. Welcome back!! I hope you’re fine and healthy.

    These siblings could starve before Mo Tianliao finishes his business with Qingtong XD

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. I love how even when he loses it, he still protects his kitten.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. He’s gonna get more and more shameless now!😏

    Welcome back!٩(๑>∀<๑)۶🎉 Hope you’ve been well.

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  5. Thanks for the chapter update & hope you have been well! 🌻