My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh45 - Just Who Am I?


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Translator's Note

I forgot to include this in the last chapter, so I’ll paste it here (and delete it in a few days)

Translator's Note

点心 -> Technically dim sum/ light refreshment/ snack/ pastry etc, etc. I chose it as pastry because it rolls out easier in English

Translator's Note

饭桶 -> good-for-nothing

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  1. Ahhhhhhh!!! Tang Tang~ I’m finding you more handsome by the minute…!! Can you not be so cool QAQ


  2. “when encountering something frightening, beastmens’ fur would puff up, but for furless humans, they could only jump up and down. ”

    Aaaah theyre so cute )-: <3

  3. I smell trouble from the current Duke’s wife…

    Ahh but the truth is finally coming out!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  4. Mrs. Tang is such a lovely, sweet and warm lady! Pei, as if Dx Leave our cat lover alone you old, scheming hag.

    Thx for the ch \(≧▽≦)/

  5. Who thought the Original how to Kill people? Who is the good natured person who give the Original a way to survive?


    • I think the brother helped him escape somehow. The one we saw painting a portrait of the MC

      • I nearly forgot about that Brother xD

        But I got the feeling that the Brother isn’t the only one who helped the Original

      • Yeah definitely the brother. Remember how good he is in tactical and battlefield gaming. I wonder how original died though? With such skills. Or is Tang Wan really is the original that gained his past life memories but lost his current life memories in return?

  6. Assassin… XD XD XD


  7. oooo bet he learned how to shoot on that planet he was abandoned on!! excited to uncover the true story 🥰

    thanks for the chapter 🤧

  8. The Tang Family needs to get faceslapped really hard by Zong He !!! 😤

    Thanks for the chapter

  9. bad people need to be killed! evil stepmothers need to be put in red-hot iron shoes and made to dance to death!

  10. Such skills integrated in TW’s muscles!! Who’s the great master? I hope we get to meet this master!

    Thank you for the chapter!💕

  11. I haven’t even finish reading this chapter but I am rushing to comment….I really couldn’t control myself from saying that this Duke Tang is such a fucking bastard!!!

    He cheated on her wife and he never even felt guilty about it at all…..

    He never received any punishment and never suffered for what he did so far……but I will feel really really really bad if he doesn’t suffer enough in the future chapters

    He deserves hell not any simple death


  12. I wonder if he learn to shoot like that because it was mentioned that the trash Planet he was on was filled with criminals maybe he picked up some skills had to defend himself because he is a beauty I wouldn’t be surprised if someone tried to hurt him