My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh46.1 - Fuck! It’s a Heart-Moving Feeling!


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  1. Tang Tingye is Tang Wan’s younger brother. I think he is the one who helped Tang Wan. Father and stepmother are very cruel to Tang Wan

    • Stepmother is malicious, but father is just utter fool. Foolish to the max for having affair, lied by his second wife fake white lotus bearing, and manipulated by his second wife and Tang Tingye’s feigned ignorant. Such a big joke of a man, husband and father. Can’t wait to see his reaction when everything is revealed.

  2. Fuzzy spiders are soft….

    snakes are soft and smooth too

    salamanders are cute

    frogs are cute, but they pee on you.

    Bumblebees are soft…


  3. Was Crazy Luo Bei the guy who pulled TW through the game? At least one in that family who isn’t hostile towards the original? Were nice.

    Thx for the ch \(≧▽≦)/

    • Yes! The more I find out about the brother, the more I think he’s the one who helped him escape. I think the stepmom was the one poisoning him (and that’s probably why he started to lose his powers, which caused his dad to lock him up)

      • Aww, how could it be the stepmom. I read she is a lovely warm lady….. pffft, okay, we know she’s a scheming bitch. I really hope that brother has good intentions.

  4. So in the end is the little bro good or not? I’d like to believe he is considering his identity as Crazy Luo Bei

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  5. Tang tingye seems like a good bro – even if not in real life as the in game character crazy Lou bei 🙂

  6. By the Law of Equivalent Exchange there should be a BL novel abt that noble kid sent back to past Earth with general knowledge on Earth’s demise. If he and Tang Wan have the same body, then, their souls could’ve been yote into the other’s body and that’s how this transmigration works. Anyways I’m rlly rooting for this depressed noble kiddo now. He could try and prevent Earth’s destruction if he was inspired enough to!

  7. If he married a fish he would be forced to stew him xDD