My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh44 - The Vixen Tang Wan, Who Can Anger People to Death


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Translator's Note

卖脸 -> shamelessly beg for favors; entertaining a customer but not sell themselves

Translator's Note

Meaning, anyone, just not Tang Wan, or that she’d rather he have a bunch of mistresses rather than have someone like that marry into the family

Translator's Note

Referring to Zong He

Translator's Note

Technically son of grandfather’s sister

Translator's Note

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  1. Omg!! This was so funny.

    Tysm for the chapter!!😍☺️😍

    Happy new year to you!!🎆🎆

  2. Happy new years! Thanks for the chapter. These two are DELIGHTFUL. I expect mama to need slapped down a bit more, it will be super entertaining lol.

  3. applauds

    harmonious couple~~~


  4. Lord Zong He we’re all improper please discipline us.

    Thank you for the chapter ☆〜(ゝ。∂) and happy new year ^_^

  5. Wouldn’t it be more soap-opera-like if Tang Wan just said “I’m pregnant with his baby so you can’t separate us anymore.”?

  6. Its funny that these couple made the crazy mother cry. Lin Bo eating melon seeds was hilarious

    Thank you for the chapter

  7. I can also make my mom angry like this. Like when I told her I am going for a sleepover and she agreed but I never said where I’m going to go sleepover the last thing she knew is when the plane I rode landed on the ground. Hahahaha I mean it still a sleepover though

  8. Ugh. Speaking as someone’s mother was similar to ML’s, I can confidently say that that was absolutely the wrong way to handle her. But I guess I can’t do anything about it. MC just doesn’t have any survival instincts. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  9. At around the time they are in the shop: I’m not bearing my chest!” — > bearing = enduring (sentence doesnt make sense)Correct would be : I’m not baring my chest ” –> i dont run around barechested. (with nothing on)

  10. Honestly, filial piety is meant to return the grace for parents raising you – not to keep bowing to their abusive behaviour.

    It’s upsetting as a human to read about filial piety being abused in CN novels. Though at least the MCs have the right idea.

  11. Wait, if Tang Wan is big brother of Tang Tingye…. doesn’t this means the truth is that Tang Wan is the one supposed to be crown princess, the future Empress? Wow. Zong He sure is blessed and OG Tang Wan is so pitiful. I hope he attained happiness in his next life.