The Wife is FirstCh34 - Persian Silk Tree


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Translator's Note

clear and insightful

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

same characters as for Persian silk tree, fun CN wordplay

Translator's Note

has great foresight

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  1. JS and MHZ’s love is so sweet and touching 💕, it feels like these moments of intimacy can stop the world in its tracks… On the other hand, it also feels like the calm before the storm.

    Thank you so much for the translation! 😍

  2. Yo, lady! Can you not stir up trouble and pit JS and his nice mother-in-law against each other 😒

    I want Lady Qiu gone too…thanks for the new chapter.

  3. Lady Qiu must do something. Tell Jing Shao, maybe.

    Mu Hanzhang and Jing Shao are soooooo sweet, fufufufu.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. I also hope Lady Qui to leave so she wont be harmed by the Marchioness.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. It’s still a third of the novel. It’s still a third of the novel. It’s still a third of the novel! It’s not even the climax yet! The Author isn’t one to abuse their main CP unnecessarily! Ah! I can’t stop fretting ah!

  6. This MHZ is very interesting shou character. And I admire the author to wrote the shou not in the typical shou characteristic.

    MHZ, just like every other man, doesnt like being treated like a woman, but he tries to understand JS. And rather than being miserable and angry coz JS treats him like a woman, MHZ focuses more on how JS respects his wish and treats him equally, like how JS often seeks advice from MHZ and never beliltles MHZ in front of servants.

    JS also gives freedom to MHZ to do as he likes, for ancient time (for wife, male or female) that is rare. Well, that’s coz JS alr lived the miserable life XD

  7. Ese árbol de seda persa, se parece mucho a nuestro Samán (samanea saman)

    Muchas gracias!!, jajajaja las flores tenian un mal significado pero las hojas tos tos JS, sí que cambió de opinión… jajaja.

    En cuanto al medio hermano de MH, no tiene que preocuparse su hermano se quedará con JS, sí o sí.

  8. Uhh mother in law please don’t be afraid , your son in law has no desire to snatch the throne and definitely has no desire to abandon his wangfei…..

  9. Huh? What’s that about Concubine Qiu? Will she be promoted to 2nd rank concubine or to secondary wife? You’re switching between both, so I’m confused.

    Concubine Qiu, send a servant to notify your son, that way he will find a way to protect you from those two idiots..

    • A second rank concubine is a secondary wife. All wives after the first are considered concubines in the sense that they help produce heirs, the terminology is just confusing to express in English unfortunately. The higher the rank, the more status you have, so the second rank concubine is considered a wife.

      • Ah, so that’s it. I’ve been enlightened!

        I was only confused, because I read other novel where there’s a clear difference between 1st wife, 2nd wife and concubines. (1st wife same as here, the official wife, 2nd wife below 1st wife and above concubines, practically a side-wife and then the birthmachines.. erm.. concubines, whose only purpose is birthing children and looking good… something like that, so I got confused by the mixing here :D)

        Thank you for explaining and for being awesome as usual 🙂

  10. Oh my, Jing Shao is such a romantic ☺ He even knows the meaning behind a flower, so that he can flirt with his wife. Good job, man 😏👍

  11. personally i hope jing chen would be the one who become the emperor. he’s very fit for the position. and also, so jing shao and jun qing can just live nirmally.