The Wife is FirstCh33 - Position


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  1. thank you for the chapter as always ❤❤ omg isn’t this couple the cutest? i love them! also, i’m glad that jing chen is really alive, ahh these silly brothers… i love how much they care about each other and the way they show it haha 💖

  2. Thank you for the chapter (´∀`)

    Welcoming the new editor’s~ ☆\(^ω^\)

  3. Jing Shao has become addicted to his Wangfei, huh?

    These brothers are so cute.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Thanks for the chapter! You guys make my sundays happier~ New editors, welcome (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)

  5. I really love reading about the brothers. It’s so rare to read a story where the royal family actually get along and care about one another.

  6. These couple are so cute.

    Im happy for the brother’s relationship.

    Thank you for the chapter

  7. Looks like Lady Du is going to suffer a setback after setback – first losing face over Mu Suzhi’s marriage, and then there’s Mu Jin promoting MHZ’s mother… Serves her right! At least in this life MHZ’s lucky to have escaped from this poisonous household. And I hope the Empress won’t have the last laugh this time around.

  8. MH es promovido a través de su madre, mientras que JS no pierde tiempo en comer tofu y carne tos tos tos …🤭

  9. The north marquis was quite slow. I mean, the empress shipped your smartest son, that have the highest chance to top in the imperial exam, off to a marriage that will surely make the prince unhappy. Not only that son can no longer be an official that might support you in court, you even offended a prince, and he still didn’t think that empress was scheming at them?