The Wife is FirstCh35 - A Speculation


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Translator's Note


Translator's Note


Translator's Note


Translator's Note

basically make his brothers or sons go establish their own residences with their own families

Translator's Note


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  1. This main CP is getting cuter and cuter. I hope JC and JS don’t fall out. I lack good brotherhood in imperial stories.

    Thank you very much for the chapter!

    • I really love Jing Chen and his relationship with Jing Shao. They are very affectionate towards each other, so it’s a shame that some people doubt Jing Shao’s intentions. However, no suspicions will break a strong bond of brotherhood.

  2. The current older brother is so lucky, ah. His didi‘s head is now filled to the brim with Wifey and Food, and occasional threats to the Empire.

  3. Wang Fei es sabio, jajaja mientras tanto su esposo es cada vez más como un niño, quiero ver como salen de esta trampa del cuatro príncipe.

  4. Thank you for the chapter! ❤

    Too bad Jing Chen’s principal wife falls short – she can manage things in the residence but can’t be her husband’s confidant. I understand that the concept of marriage being primarily about love is relatively modern, but still it’s sad when one can’t really respect or be fond of one’s partner.

    • marrying for love is not that modern… there were several chinese emperors who did actually fall in love and were monogamous till their deaths… google monogamous emperors for more info

        • The fact that the percentage is small does not erase the fact that such love existed in the past. The concept of marrying for love is not modern. That is the statement. How prevalent it is is beside the point.

          • I suggest that you re-read my first comment before arguing. Here you go: “The concept of marriage being PRIMARILY about love is RELATIVELY modern.” “Primarily” means “mainly”. Marriage was MAINLY about having children, supporting each other financially (yes, it was so even among impoverished peasants) and forging connections. The exceptions (that were few and far between, by the way) do not negate the fact that the majority of the population, whether in China or anywhere else, viewed factors other than love as more important when it came down to matrimony. Yes, love existed in the past. Yes, people could fall in love. Yes, some lucky souls could develop feelings for each other after getting married. But while the idea that two people should only get married because they love each other did not emerge yesterday (or even a hundred years ago), it is not that old either, and it took people a long time to accept this concept. Even now marriages of convenience are not uncommon. 3-4 centuries ago they were much more frequent, especially among the aristocracy – the class that holds on to traditions more tenaciously than other social strata.

            There are normally exceptions to every rule. The question is – how often do these exceptions make a difference?I hope I have made myself clear. Anyway, I doubt I can explain it in even simpler terms.

          • I already stated that arguing prevalence is irrelevant. I am debating the word ‘concept’. If only 1 person married for love in ancient times, that would negate that the ‘concept’ is a modern one. Please check the definition of the word ‘concept’. I cannot make myself any clearer or simpler either. Please no need to write so much for nothing, especially when all this is irrelevant. This will be my last reply on this matter cause I have better things to do than argue with you. Cheers!

  5. omg isn’t jing shao a puppy? it’s adorable how happy he becomes when he sees his wang fei, my heartt 💘💘 also, i love jing chen and i’ll protect him no matter what, such a cinnamon roll standing up for his younger brother, i knew he would tho, he’s such a loyal bean i can’t even-

  6. i just wish the elder brother’s wife not to do anything unnecessary and instead ruin their brotherhood…

  7. I want the elder brother to be an emperor and Jing Shao as his right hand man. It would be better. Our CP should live a happy fluffy life.

    Thank you for the chapter

  8. Jing Shao is cuuute, hahaha. Mu Hanzhang is like a mother now, fufufu.

    Thanks for the chapter!