Thriller Tour GroupChapter 25.1


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Translator's Note

Junyans: ugh. why do i always end up proofing these chapters before eating

Translator's Note

Junyans: he’s progressed to antagonizing babies now hahaha

Translator's Note

Kat: I thought they would play catch but it’s fetch…he’s treating them like dogs lol VT4z8A

Junyans: this shouldn’t be funny but i’m still laughing my head off

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  1. Wow, I got real confused there. I thought that the baby was the extra member lol.

    Thanks for the chapter!❤️

  2. No wait what? Is Miao Fangfei really the extra person?? But I doubt it, it seems a bit too fast and easy 😵… But anyways, LMAO Wei Xun, you really shouldn’t be left alone with guarding over the children 🤣🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter!~💕

  3. Huh it seems more like MFF got possessed by something suddenly? “Her vision went dark” and then three sentences later she’s talking but the POV has shifted from her to general.

  4. Hehehe, I read ahead so I know something y’all don’t~

    But seriously, thank you so much for translating! MTL is PAIN.

  5. Wei Xun said that his brother played ball with him that’s why he’s going to play with the babies like that too. Does that mean his brother also treated him like a dog? HAHAHAHA.

  6. I think the translators are paying attention to the wrong thing. He’s playing fetch with the babies, but he also mentioned it’s how his elder brother played with him. So when XunXun was a baby, his brother played fetch with him 🤣