Thriller Tour GroupChapter 25.2


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Translator's Note

Paektu Mountain, also known as Baekdu Mountain and in China as Changbai Mountain, is an active stratovolcano on the Chinese–North Korean border. At 2,744 m, it is the highest mountain of the Baekdudaegan and Changbai ranges.

Translator's Note

Great Yellow Immortal Temple: this is probably fictitious because there are no temples or shrines on Paektu mountain.

Translator's Note

Yin spirit refers to the female ghost, who is Yin by nature first because of her gender, second because of her date of birth.

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  1. LMAO 😆

    Ohh I didn’t know that both tours were actually connected together OoO.. btw, I’ve been curious for a while now, how many tours or tour spots (?) do they usually visit in each arc??

    And also, are they mostly set in ancient times?? Tho Zhao Hongtu did go to a kinda modern tour?? A Circus one..

    HAHAHA LMAO, this looks like it would develop into a situation where concubines would fight/compete with each other just to gain the Emperor’s favor and indulgence and become a favored concubine 🤣🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter!~ 💕

    • haha xD thanks for reading!

      Every scenic spot they visit in each tour is announced at the start of the tour, but attractions may vary, because like how a regular guided tour works, when you visit a spot, you may get to experience one thing or multiple things, (e.g. in reality, tea brewing + traditional pastry-making)

      The tours aren’t exactly set in ancient times, but because the nature of the “tours” is tourism, so people usually visit for history, experience, shopping, enjoyment (i.e. the circus) etc. So tours may differ~

      As more chapters get uploaded xD (and we go through more arcs, this will be more evident~)

  2. Hahaha the tourist are so funny, and I’m glad that the ball-mom and the ghost children are having fun.

    Thanks for the translation ❤️❤️❤️