Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh68 - Quarrel


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Translator's Note

地无银三百两 ah this one, I actually know it cuz it was so amusing when I was a kid. It’s a story about someone burying their large amount of money in the ground and putting up a sign that says ‘there’s no money here’. Obviously it’s saying that there’s money there, idiot HAHA

Translator's Note

full term is ‘A close neighbour is better than a distant relative’, as in, it’s better to be close to people near you so that they can help you when there’s an emergency

Translator's Note

New York

Translator's Note

this is meant for sleeves so wide that, when they danced, it looked like clouds. I don’t think the sleeves song xiao is wearing are as wide as that, though

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  1. I too, hated Fish Tang when he broke the xiao… dude… you gave it to Xiaoxiao already… you don’t destroy other people’s stuff even if it was from you… hmph…

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. It is really disappointing for Yu Tang to do that. It seems that his overbearingness as an emperor who controls people on the palm of his hand still remains.

  3. I’ve read the other translation so I know that this conflict gets easily resolved but I’m not really satisfied with it. Song Xiao is too easily coaxed 😑

  4. I think it’s part of Yu Tang’s journey to becoming a ‘normal person’.

    Don’t forget he lived in ancient times as an Emperor for effs sake! People did bow down and kiss the ground he walks on. This isn’t an example of ‘overbearing’ for him. This is his ‘normal’. Acting any less ‘rude’ is abnormal. Even SX feels it’s normal as the Emperor’s subject. The Harem isn’t suppose to entertain normal folks. They can only perform for their masters/husband. Anything done outside of their ‘responsibilities’ is seen as slutty and disrespectful to their husband. Read some more ancient themed novels to align with what is normal then. Imo, SX is the one in the wrong here. If I was YT i will be very angry beyond words too.

    They are both on a journey to being ordinary people. I will stay tuned on their journey.

    • I agree with you on the frame of mind, but I disagree that SX was in the wrong. SX is adapting to the modern world faster than YT (partly due to YT’s help), and coupled with the Yu Family drama, YT is getting insecure again. This is not how to deal with that, even if he was completely justified in feeling wronged. Not only is it inappropriate and unfair to his partner, it also makes him more vulnerable to his crazy family and puts a wedge between him and SX. YT had 5 more years to adapt than SX, and to his credit he did pretty well, but he wasn’t as proactive as SX about it and was constantly being dragged down by past regrets (whereas SX saw it as an opportunity to have a better future).
  5. Even though I like reading about overbearing presidents I wouldn’t like this in real life . If smth like that happened to me , I would have been really mad . I hate when someone decides things for me or touch my belongings

  6. YT should apologise to XX but knowing his persomality as emperor, he will probably find it hard.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  7. Emperor’s done a big Dumb™…

    Thank you for the chapter! 💕💕💕

    I hope everyone here at CG is doing well and taking good care of yourself during these trying times. Stay safe and healthy out there! 💕💕💕💕

  8. Oh no!!! Yu Tang broke his “xiao”!!!! (Pun intended)

    • He’s out of line, no argument. I just want to clarify, this is a manifestation of his insecury, not necessarily a reflection of his temperament. In similar situations, he was able to exercise more self control, but now that he’s got family drama that’s threatening his empress, he’s losing his sense of security and lashing out. Again, inappropriate, but not “an anger problem”, it’s anxiety.

  9. Okay that was very much not cool of him. Clearly SX cherished the gift he gave him yet he destroyed it because of his possessiveness. This behavior is almost making me want to stop reading this for a while. Really hoping he changes soon! 😤

  10. I was already disturbed at Song Xiao saying Yu Tang won’t let him have other friends but the gift breaking was the last straw. This abusive, manipulative insecure piece of shit. I’m dropping this novel