Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh69 - Encountering Danger


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Translator's Note

hhhonestly, while I did say I’ll tone down the racism, when I think about all that racist police shit that happened in America, I’m like ‘that’s fair’

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  1. Feels like a fanfic the whole “Oh I’m going to kill you” “Oh no I got caught!” “Shucks now I’ll act innocent, but before that, have my name and the name of the real mastermind behind me”.


    Thank you for the chapter~

  2. I was wrong about Gao Ao 😂 He is innocent! He truly thought Xiaoxiao is a rich disobedient child (celebs sending him off, talkative during waiting for boarding, went to have ‘fun’ at Luo City buying ball game ticket, renting out when dorm had been paid, etc) lol And it seems the whole problem didn’t had connection with Yu Tang (though the source of Gao Ao’s misunderstanding come from him 🤣) instead it’s Song ZiCheng. Poor Xiaoxiao surrounded by troublesome people

  3. Ахах. Я читаю авто перевод на русский и вместо чжэнь (не помню как правильно) там переводится как женька. Мне смешно)