Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh60 - Clubs


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Translator's Note

Jules: Wow, buuuurn

Translator's Note

not literally, dogs as in single ppl. No animal abuse here pls

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  1. We’re already halfway??? 0A0

    Rip Blair… wow idk why but it sounds like such a pretentious name… Blair…

    Thanks for the chapter~ ( ^ ♡ ^ )/

  2. Chinese novels and movies about US, it is like US movies about Asia.
    Whenever I see smth like this I can’t help but think either you guys really do
    like exaggerating or I am not aware about my surrounding

  3. Author-san, Yu Tang not allowing Song Xiao to make new friends by throwing out the phone number is a warning sign of abuse. Even if he is jealous, he should have just told Song Xiao what it was and let him make the decision on what to do with it.

    • Anra-san, thanks for pointing this out, I spent several minutes trying to figure out where the abuse is 😅 Actually if this was a western novel I’d have noticed at once! But reading from an eastern pov mindset I felt it is more like unwanted attention or harassment, after all it feels rude/uncomfortable to have some random unfamiliar person come up to you on first day of class and try to shove their number at you just because you’re pretty, it’s even worse if you are newly arrived person from a different culture who would obviously be unsure about their meaning/intentions. In this context her behavior is just as bad as Blair’s. I see Fish Tang being equally jealous and protective in both instances, but I also agree with you that he should have talked to Song Xiao about it at least.
      • I’ll admit Emily’s motivations are a little suspect, but she could have just sincerely wanted to be friends. I remember that the first day I started law school, I exchanged my number with a bunch of classmates I’d never met before, in the hope that we could become friends/study partners. So, it is normal behavior for Americans. (I think I also did the same for college, but I don’t quite remember.)

      • I agree with you. As asian culture is actually kind of ‘not open’ thing, and it is very rude if you give your number to ppl you dont know, coz it can be known the same as ‘cat-calling’.

        I believe we dont want to be ‘cat-calling’-ed right my fellows~

    • Giving someone your number without them asking is very rude in asia. That’s considered as harassment. Please do mind that this is a danmei. Respect the author’s culture

  4. Lol Fish Tang really turn into the overbearing emperor he aspires to be 🤣🤣

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  5. Well yeah even if our Emperor is a little willful, calling it abusive is an overstatement. I think its sweet. It’s not like he forbid Xiao Xiao from talking to or coming in contact with anyone but himself.

  6. yu tang imperador que viva cheio de paranoias que alguém poderia machucar sua imperatriz ou a si mesmo entoa parem de fogo no cu

  7. that sunspot club reminds me of that certain organization. you know, m*son. only the elites can join in.

  8. I honestly never find much issues with these kind of novels unless its far too extreme. If a reader reads and judges from their own culture’s point of view it wouldn’t be fully enjoyable, they have to read from the author’s cultural and traditional point of view to really understand and enjoy. I have experienced different cultures and i understand how its naturally different. There is also bound to be some nationalism and stereotyping. its quite natural. it never bothered me.

  9. Idk author I don’t think you’re the best judge of your own works bc Yu Tang is possessive and controlling of Song Xiao to a ridiculous degree

    Ignorance is no excuse for shoddy workmanship. I’m fortunate to have been exposed to diverse viewpoints and experiences but doing some research on the country you’re writing about is the bare minimum methinks