Stop Bothering Me, EmperorCh41 - Play The Xiao


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Translator's Note

an investor/powerful person sleeping with an artist for backing

Translator's Note

candidates who haven’t passed the county level (bottom) exams

Translator's Note

omf this is so corny so cute

Translator's Note

in case the innuendo wasn’t understood, xiao is a long flute, playing a flute in chinese is literally ‘Blowing the Xiao’, so.. Blowing… yeah lol

Translator's Note

the skies as canopy and the earth is the mat

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  1. » At the mention of the midterm exams, Song Zheng couldn’t ..« Here it should be Song Xiao.

    I read the title of the chapter and my brain was instantly “hehe blowjob >3”. I guess that happens when you read too much smut and stuff xDD

    Thx for the ch \(≧▽≦)/

  2. lololol Dugu An ready with sparklers in hand

    Thanks for the chapter, and Happy Chinese New Year!

  3. Ah ah ah I think I just really love Xiao Gu!!!! He is legit my dream guy I wanna cryyyy