Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh93 - Goodbye


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  1. Thank you for the chapter!

    I don’t know why but LX speaking as if he’s going to finish his mission in a few days is so funny to me… not yet Lu Xu

  2. A few days?!? Foreshadowing… Is something big gonna happen in a few days?? narrows eyes

    Thanks for the chapter! ฅ(´-ω-`)ฅ

  3. Imagine Nian ge die and then come back as a Reaper… Oh, even better: He becomes Lu Xu’s new intern. That would be interesting, lol.

  4. Well that’s some foreshadowing. Also I’ll believe you about letting JX die when you actually go through with it Lu Xu. Somehow I doubt that’ll be the case.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. LX: I’ll always be here, because I’m your local grim reaper. smile

    Have a good time with the rest of the F4 TYB :3

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  6. LX: Maybe you’ll see him in a few days.

    Me: looking at the number of remaining chapters lmao not likely

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. Poor Ji Xiunian, the ghosts keep thinking of saying goodbye only after they’ve done all their paperwork, and Lu Xu won’t wait. Though I guess it’d be not great for his cover if the ghosts’ disappearances kept being so obviously related to him haha

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  8. Imagine if nian-ge is actually a reaper too???? ˋ▽ˊ

    Aiya my imagination is going wild ba


  9. Ok listen, our ji xiunian has the excuse of headinjury after falling HARD for our little grim reaper so he is still a bit muddled (we should pray for his fast recovery) HOWEVER!!! What is the excuse for our little grim reaper to be so blind? Old age? Abstinence leading to obliviousness? Too much professionalism??

  10. noooo…. it’s sad to see him go but thinking he’ll be the F3 again, being F4 again is really sweet 🥹

    but thinking about the last bit, i’ll cry i’ll cry! the ending of this will make me cry won’t it?