Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh92 - Cute No Matter What


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  1. Nian ge, look at you! 👀 Already making plans for ‘the rest of your lives’ huh, and you still won’t admit you’re in love? XD

  2. Happy year of the tiger!

    Also, Nian ge probably didn’t read a lot of books or act roles that had a crush, else he’d be more familiar with the feeling of falling in love, right?~

  3. This chap was so sweet lol. I really hope the main plot line with the wimpy evil ghost stalking Nian ge starts coming in soon. I wanna see Lu Xu get all protective XD

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. I understand the need to keep some works pw protected as translators have poured in hundreds of hours of sweat and hardwork just to be stolen and posted somewhere else.

    But imo it’s quite a bit unfair for CG readers who don’t have a discord account to get the password to continuously enjoy reading. Also maybe a bit unfair to the translators whose hardwork will be limited only to those who take the hassle of getting the Pw. Also a bit unfair to new readers who won’t be able to test read a couple of chapters before sticking with the series, which honestly is what I do.

    Dropping this series for now and enjoy other CG novel beauties.

    • Hi sweetlove! As the translators of this novel, we decided ourselves to implement the password lock to protect our work from being stolen. This is content we publish for free for everyone to read so we don’t want bots or other people stealing it in light of the recent issues with the jjwxc international site, and we want to keep this work free for everyone to read. Discord is both free and easy to sign up for–it only requires an email, which is the same criteria needed to sign up for an account on CG. I hope this helps and that you can sign up for Discord soon! 🙂 and if Discord is blocked in your country then I’m very sorry to hear that! However, I hope you will understand that we wish to keep our content protected for the sake of the work we’ve put into it and to keep it free for everyone.
  5. awwwwww 😭😭😭🥰😭🥰😭🥰 he’s so whipped!!! 😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰 this is so cute!!!

    maybe once you’ve passed on you three could live in a house together?? 😭

  6. Oh LX really has ensnared JXN alright. But LX doesn’t really seem to have any feelings for him still? Except for not letting him die in Devil’s bay there hasn’t been any sign 😣 hopefully this one is HE