Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh90 - Can’t Learn


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  1. He’ll faceslap humswlf ahh I want to hear the actual song of Lu Xu’s and Tao Yingbo! THANK YOU FOR THE CHAPTER!!!

  2. »The songs that followed always felt like they weren’t at this standardl..« standard

    Ouch, that will end in second-hand embarrassment lolol

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  3. So will they notice his outrageous behavior or maybe the bottles on the ground? Or just no knocking at all? Nice to see his conscience slowly poking at him now…

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  4. I’m kinda surprised how Qu Dehui managed to keep up his fake image for so long considering how stupid he is. Maybe all the fame made the idiot complacent.

    Thank you for the chapter!