Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh115 - This Is A Couple ID


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  1. Thank you for the chapter!

    Also, I think it should be ”Xu Lele had always thought there was something going on between Lu Xu and Ji Xiunian” not Xu Lele and Ji Xiunian.

  2. Lu Xu and Ji Xiunian: No, it’s a company ID. Smiles at each other knowingly

    Tang Yanqing: …Like I believe you! What company?? Dog food company???

    Thank you for the update! <3

  3. »Xu lele was afraid that Lu Xu had loved too deeply..« Xu Lele

    ».. something going on between Xu Lele and Ji Xiunian.« between Lu Xu

    ».. and unconsciously laughed and shook his head-« . instead of –

    I really wonder if we will get a side couple of TYQ and Manman xD

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  4. Tang Yanqing: Why is it I feel like every time I turn around my face is getting stuffed with dog food? Neither of them is even that kind of person??

    Thank you so much for translating! <3

  5. Hihi, a little error in this chapter

    Although there was no proof, Xu Lele always thought there was something going on between Xu Lele and Ji Xuinian

    I think Xu Lele is supposed to be Lu Xu