Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh116 - The Grim Reaper Comes Knocking


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  1. It’s kind of ironic that they got a client (aka somebody just 💀⚰️) but JXN is like “Yay I just got more time with Wifey!” 😭

    And Yao Yulong is lucky indeed, witnessing a big bowl of dogfood accidentally… And helping to guard it. HAGAHAHAH

    Thank you for the chapter! This one was hilarious XS

  2. now there are two of you, so why would you still using toilet as a transport place 😅

    causing much more misunderstanding 🤣🤣

  3. »Yao Yulong, the one who came in laost for both..« came in last

    ».. he saw Ji Xiunin right behind Lu Xu.« Xiunian

    Hahaha, yeah, they would just do it in a toilet stall lolol But I guess this way is better than Yao Yulong coming (right) back and no one is there anymore xD

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  4. Thank you for the translation!! I can’t believe I’m all caught up now… Take your time for more, we will be waiting patiently!