Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh117 - Is That Me?


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  1. Thank you for the chapter! As someone with chronic insomnia, this chapter is really scary… ah, I don’t want to die when there are video games to play.

    I’m glad that the author is talking about how bad those subathons/multi-day streams can be for the body… It’s sad that streamers have to do that to make money for themselves. Luckily, lots of them have figured out how to rest with the stream still going, so hopefully the amount of people who get hurt this way will go down. Be nice to the streamers you watch! Streaming is their job; Would you want to be at work for 48 hours?

  2. Woah, to die like that without noticing? It was like one of those docu series I’ve seen where a corpse was found after so long sitting on the couch while the tv is on even the neighbours didn’t investigate thinking the smell is from the trash downstairs. That’s too sad to die alone without no one noticing.🥺

  3. Let me guess (I don’t watch streams so I don’t know), if he would have streamed less those ‘fans’ or audience would have been pissed off? Just bc humans can be trash like that and don’t give a shit about others. Not all but enough :’D

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  4. This novel is really making me take care of myself… It’s scary to think of dying without noticing, or worse – dying without others noticing. Thanks for the chapter!! <3