Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionCh101 - A New Colleague


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  1. Seriously man, aren’t you tired of following others like a stalker? Go do your job properly if having lost some souls bothers you so much!!!!!

    Thanks for the chapter ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Yas, the development we’ve been waiting for. Gotta prepare for party when they officially become partners ~

    Thanks for the chapter ~

  3. Hehehe! They can now officially be together all day and night~ day and night~ day~ and all night~~ _(:3」∠)_

  4. Yup, srsly. Can they please stop stalking LX and trying to pit him left and right? They are so annoying :’D And I’m curious how “excited” Nian ge is about his new side job he doesn’t know anything of yet xDD

    Thx for the ch ٩( >ヮ<)۶

  5. Thanks so much for not leaving us on a huge cliffhanger!

    This is so cool, they’re going to go on cute little missions together, JX is going to learn how to use his powers and learn more about the grim reaper world but most importantly finish the show together!

  6. The people that successfully guessed the plot deserve cookies for their foresight. I only put two and two together in the last few chaps. Now they can work together on helping souls and beating up evil spirits. Such a cool power couple XD Also I think the Grim Reaper HQ has some bias going on for JX and Lu Xu lol

    Thank you for the chapter!

  7. YEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! OMG I’M SO HAPPY RN, BRO!!!!!!!

    THX FOR THE CHAPTER!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  8. I kind of accidentally found out the plot for these two. Although I did not know mortals and grim reapers could be together after I read about Ji’s parents. So of course I thought that obviously humans have short lifetimes and I thought he might become a grim reaper somehow or something similar in the future. I thought of this after reading Xia An’s glimpse of how he became a grim reaper and also I’m curious to know what LuXu’s backstory is.

  9. :0000000

    i had guessed that about his mother but this!!! :0000 ahhh i’m squealing in happiness right now (((o(゚▽゚)o)))♡