PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh99 - Your gift for no longer being single.


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Translator's Note

honorable you used throughout this conversation

Translator's Note

referring to the saying of people hugging a big thigh, which means to ride someone’s coattails for a big benefit

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  1. Yanyan, who was shot while lying down: “What girlfriend?” 😳

    And as always, Yi Chen knows what gift will please Yanyan the most 🤗

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. [Wait a moment, I suddenly have a bold idea…]

    +1 hahahaha

    Thank you for the update.. ☺

  3. Awww secretly holding hands away from the camera (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. All this fluff helped to calm my heart, but I’m still a little bit stressed about Boss Yi’s parents. Hope this situation can be resolved soon.

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  5. Aww, they’re so sweet together 😍 From Yanyan wanting praise to the secret hand holding 🥰

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  6. Omg YanYan raise your hands.. show em boss Yi’s hands hahahaha I love love love livestream shenanigans. Pls feed us more dogfood

  7. It was a fun chapter i especially like it when YC and YY interact w the fans in the barrage its always fun to read their reactions heheh and them secretly holding hands 😣

    thank u so much for the chapter💜💜💜

  8. Omg omg!! My fragile single dog heart cant take that fluffiness. Ughhh why are you guys so sweet.

    Thanks for the chapter

  9. i have like 2 minor quizzes and 1 major quiz tomorrow and here i am, giggling and blushing on how their relationship is going 🤭