PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh100 - I’ll accompany you forever.


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Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

8.47 usd

Translator's Note


Translator's Note


Translator's Note

ungrateful and vicious

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  1. I still hope it’s a misunderstanding and Yi Chen’s parents really just want to patch things up with their son. But be that as it may, Yanyan has already promised to be there for Yi Chen forever 🤗 so even if Yi Chen does get a younger brother/sister, it’s not such a blow as it might have been.

    Thank you for the chapter 💕

    • Yeah! I hate irresponsible parents like that the most. Do they think raising a child is like buying vegetables from the market? If you don’t like one get another one? That too when he’s working so hard and feeding those idiots? Who do you think is making all the money that you’re spending away on your stupid trips? Ugh! Sorry for the rant.

  2. At the very least we got Yi Chen keeping his man and defending against a girl asking for Yanyan’s number before we got to the serious stuff.

    Thank you for translating!!!💖😍☺️💕❤

  3. Well, let’s wait and see if that uncle of YC talked nonsense or not. At least Boss Yi has finally someone he can show his weak side without having to worry.

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘) We reached the big 100! :3

  4. The ice cream vendor mistaking Yi Chen as his parent. My mind already spiralled to the word daddy :3

    happy thoughts aye.. Happy.. Why does my eyes feel wet? Thank you for the chapter!

  5. I feel like family dynamics are always very complicated, and I try to keep in mind that we only really know yanyan’s and Yi Chen’s POV. But the two’s date was sooooo perfect. I’d love to go on a date just eating food down a street food road.

  6. Well ice cream guy not far off – he is Yanyan’s Daddy 😘 Yi Chen is amusing when he gets jelly and he unfurls his pettiness 🤣

    Hoping the adoption is just family gossip mongering and not true.

    Thanks for the chapter 💕

  7. To Be together for better and for worse. They have each other, those White Eyed wolves can go to die.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  8. I’m guessing that Yi Chen’s Parent seems want to reconcile and yet they can’t express it fully due to Yi Chen’s indifference……..

    BUT HEARING THIS WORDS I FEEL LIKE CRYING T___T “Yi Chen, I’m here. I’ll accompany you forever.”

  9. The parents has the gal to adopt a child when they outright ignore their own child just to go to other countries. Yi Chen’s parents really are so shameless.

    The date is so sweet! And Yanyan’s oath hhhhhh don’t worry Boss Yi, yanyan will always be by your side 😭🥺

  10. while yi chen parents are adults and don’t have to get his approval to adopt, shouldn’t they tell him first? They are also the ones who kept insisting that he let his relatives go for the whole startv issue…