PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh98 - What is that even


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Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

a saying that means a hardy constitution

Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

honorable you

Translator's Note

motion of spitting at the ground

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  1. Yi Ran being defensive for Boss Yi will forever be one of my favourite things in this novel <3333 And him feeling bad for Yanyan sksbjs xD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. I’m glad Yi Chen have Yanyan and Yi Ran on his side 🥺

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. And my love for Yi Ran continue to grow aside from our CP he is my fav character (and YanYan’s best friend is pretty good too tho i forgot his name hehehe)

    Thank u for the chapter💜💜

  4. I’m so happy Yi Ran is such a soft boy for his ge..he really cares a lot for Yi Chen.

    Thank you for the chapter

  5. Yi Ran is such a good Child! He really knows his Ge. And he’s pitying Yanyan for the Midnight exercise, but Yanyan himself is really satisfied fufufu

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Aww, Yi Ran looking out for his Ge and now concern for Yanyan too 😆 Thanks for the chapter 💕

  7. LET ME ADOPT YI RAN AAAAAH. Best boy, indeed. The love he has for his Ge is too much to handle, I’m so moved.

  8. I’m very happy that Yi Ran cares about his bro a lot and that Yi Chen knows that theres another person who cares about him 🥺

  9. I don’t know what Yi Chen’s parents are doing. They play so nice with all these people who want to eat their son alive for…?? what reason, exactly? Tolerate so much of their foolishness for what?

    Meanwhile Yi Chen just trying to be filial 🙁

  10. At first, I had liked Yi Chen’s parents, but I quickly realized that they were just never there. They should have made more of an effort to stay in Yi Chen’s surroundings, but instead used the fact that they’re artists to stay away 300 days out of a year. No wonder they’re so estranged ☹️ I hope Yanyan and Yi Chen stay together for a long time. Give Boss Yi the family he deserves 🥺