PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh35 - Yanyan, say hello.


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Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Like artificially inflating numbers

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4285-5713 usd

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8500 usd

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42,000 usd

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The thumb’s up, Facebook kind of like

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

specifically, the Yan Boss Yi uses for the cat’s name (that is also, unknown to him, Yanyan’s real name)

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  1. Aggghh..! I was reading a horror novel but got distracted cuz of this novel notifs!! I couldn’t concentrate anymore and had to cut short to come here and read😂😂😂🤣🤣love it laaa💞💞 the sweetness😍

    Thanks for the chapter! ❤️

  2. Boss Yi, I kneel to your godly (unknowingly) flirting skills!! Istg this one has the highest damage points so far, I’m worried if it will increase in the future… Aah, I need to brace myself!!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂


    I’m crying ugh this level of flirting without knowing!!!! Is! Way! Too!! Powerful!!!

    Thanks for the chapter

  4. Yanyan’s so pure-hearted ☺ And Boss Yi’s flirting techniques are too formidable 😂

    Thank you for the chapter! ❤

  5. That Yanyan’s daddy just deviated from it’s original cute intention to inexplicably dirty real fast cough

    And that age gap and so on heh (///v////)

    /Yanyan looking at Boss Yi’s finger and relishing in his voice through earphone lol

    I wish I could just think that spending a few ten thousands is really…little

    wishing to be rich

    Thank you for the chapter~💕

  6. Ahahaha Yanyan’s daddy? Whew big boss, what are you doing~?

    Thank you for the chapter!

  7. He’s not flirting. Just calling himself daddy and admiring the view when video chatting. Also hiding his half naked cousin from his not girlfriend. 🙃🙃🙃

  8. technical, yi chen is an office worker… of his own company. half of the gifts go to yu yan and the other half goes to him (keeping the wealth in the family)