PUBG Online Romance of the CenturyCh34 - He is very sweet


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Translator's Note

literally, rich water shouldn’t be let out of one’s own fields

Translator's Note


Translator's Note


Translator's Note

一言糖 (1YanTang [fluff])
Ktlr ajcu tjr 16 ragbxfr
一言堂 (1YanTang [store])
Ktlr ajcu tjr 11 ragbxfr

糖 and 堂 have the same pronunciation

Translator's Note

referring to fluff

Translator's Note

Divi: Amount of viewers don’t always equate to “trending” or “popularity” status. In StarTV, spamming gifts is the best for popularity and getting noticed for bringing in more viewers… So if you have a lot of watchers but no donations… it’s like empty popularity.

Translator's Note

Divi: Link here. Only for the Sniper Rifles.

Translator's Note

2860 usd

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  1. Yanyan is spending time with his favorite Boss who cares about you LMAO


    And just imagine Boss Yi do all this while being dense sigh. Oh and I wonder how much is their age gap lol

    Thank you for the chapter~

  2. Lol who needs other boss when he already have big boss Yi 😤

    Thank you for the update ❤

  3. Who cares about Zhou Yan? To Yanyan Boss Yi is the only boss he have!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. There’s no english version of the book, translator-san? I would love to buy one if english version is out.

    • Uh no, if there was an English version, I wouldn’t have to be translating it….

  5. “ He was being knocked out by 1 and dragged behind him to sell rot, okay!!!” hahahah so true so true! Boss Yi really is the one who is selling rot XD

    They’re so cute <3

    Thank you for the chapter!

  6. No one wants Zhou Yan there! Scram!

    Yi Chen is becoming a proffesional Flirter!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. I can’t help but think sometimes that Boss Yi knows what he’s doing but still wants to tease Yanyan… Either that or he’s a natural-born flirt ☺

    Thank you for the chapter! 💕

  8. Hmph disgusting Zhou Yan needs to roll out of here! Yi Chen, show your prowess hehe~

    Thank you for the chapter!

  9. Boss Yi.. how do you still not know you’re being shipped.. and how do you tease people with naming your cat yanyan like that.. my god. To say it with that voice too. I don’t remember the competition rules, were there any clause where he goes to StarTV HQ if he wins something? I’m already thirsting for their in person meeting lol. Although boss yi is so high up he wouldn’t be meeting up with contest winners anyway, probably a company employee if anything. I guess that route is a bust.

  10. AAAAAAA they’re so cute ugh all this fluff im eating all the sugar I’ll die of sugar overdose soon (¯︶¯)

    thankyou for this chapter!!!!