Peter Pan and CinderellaCh23 - Little Train Wuwuwu


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Translator's Note

Gay people are referred to as 兔儿爷 in slang haha. Although it would literally translate to rabbit grandpa, I just translated it to little rabbit.

Translator's Note

If you remember, Xiao Xie and Liang Xi are being shipped online because Liang Xi shared Xiao Xie’s promotional poster. Their ship name was “Xi Che”. cn0bVK

The reason why their ship name is Xi Che (洗车, washing train) is because it is a reference to the second character in Liang Xi’s name and the name Tomas (in reference to Thomas the Train). The second character in Liang Xi’s name is 玺 (xi) which has the same pronunciation in Chinese as 洗 (also xi, means wash).

Other than that, car (车)in Chinese slag usually refers to some form of sex. Hence, “driving the car”.

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  1. This chapter’s alternative title should be Wang Chao lowkey drinking vinegar HAHAHAH