PeachCh183 - Shock and awe


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Translator's Note

This means “my older brother’s husband”

Translator's Note

This means “my older brother’s wife”

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  1. So, there does exist a word for a husband-husband relationship in Chinese. Bc 99% of the time you get to read words like wife, sister-/daughter-in-law, aunt etc., and I want to vomit every time I read that. I mean, you’re still talking about a fukkn guy… haaaa, should stop thinking about that lol But it’s smth that pisses me off since I started reading novels yrs ago x’D And every time I read that a guy calls his husband husband, it’s almost like celebrating every holiday and birthday at once xDDD (Okay, that was off-topic :’D)

    We get to meet grandpa, oooh~. I wonder what kind of character he is.

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

    • Unfortunately, Chinese is a very gendered language and words like 哥夫 gefu are technically made up. There are a few gender neutral words for one’s partner such as 对象 (other half), but many danmei 耽美 (LGBTQ+/gay) works tend to use the markedly cishet terms 夫妻 fu qi or 夫妇 fu fu to refer to mlm couples. Can’t speak for baihe 百合 (LGBTQ+/lesbian) novels since I’ve only read a few, but I suspect the same goes for them as well. I do agree the feminization gets very annoying

  2. The Goose wing subordinates stepping back from their (lonely) wing leader was a hilarious side show in a chapter with so many bigger events happening! And I love how normal it is for Chen Ziqi to help Dan Yi get dressed when he’s wounded. Those details make them feel closer than even their legendary neili exchange method ☺️

  3. I just read the whole translation so far in one go! I’m in love with it. The characterisation is so good and of course the translation quality is wonderful. Thanks so much!