The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh144 - Deep in the Flowers


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Translator's Note

tln:梨花带雨 lit. Pear blossoms in rain, used to describe the  charms of a weeping beauty.

Translator's Note

tln:噤若寒蝉 quiet as a cicada in late autumn… to be silent out of fear for being noticed

Translator's Note

tln: This is from a poem  “月色溶溶夜,花阴寂寂春。如何临皓魄,不见月中人. It expresses the poet’s loneliness at not seeing the person he longs for.

Translator's Note

tln: It is a quote from 赏牡丹 – Appreciating Peony. “Appreciating Peony” is a poem written by Liu Yuxi , a writer of Tang Dynasty . This poem describes the custom of viewing peonies in the Tang Dynasty. In the first two sentences, peony “demons without pattern” and Fuhua’s “clean shaoqing” set off the high standard of peony and the beauty of full of affection, so that peony possesses the four aptitudes of demon, cleanness, pattern and affection, which can be described as the most beautiful among flowers. The latter two sentences use the phrase “the time of blooming flowers move the capital” to express the lively scene of people coming out to admire the peony, in order to praise the peony as a country of appreciation and love.

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  1. LFX suffered so much compared to LS I’m sure. Because LS doesn’t feel emotions compared with LFX T^T Gosh I’m crying, it hurts so much. I want to hide LFX away from the world

  2. I love whenever Lin Shu princess carry Feng Xiao.

    Plus I want to take my little phoenix away.

  3. I’m a bit miffed that the gossipmongers didn’t pick up the fact that the “pet” was actually a Tribulation stage cultivator, even if they didn’t pick up the fact that that “pet” is the master of the Sword Pavilion. 😒