Marshal, Please Calm DownCh063.2 - Interstellar’s Best Friend, Rocard


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Translator's Note

闭门造车 -> being very secretive and disregarding what goes on in the outside world

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  1. Me, I’m the mysterious expert!! Apologies for hiding it but I didn’t want my identity to compromise our relationship(?)!!. Anyways in all seriousness I think it’ll be a new rival!!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  2. I wonder if it’s someone we’ve already been introduced to/has been mentioned before?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Any guesses as to who this mysterious expert will be? (。>ω<)<– Scott, Scott, SCOTT!! Who else besides him?

    But seriously.. Rocard is kind of annoying with his permanent gossip. Not only can’t he keep his mouth shut, and instead makes trouble by spreading things which are private, he just can’t leave those two alone. They don’t need any help to develop their relationship, since Scott is already dead set on keeping his wife.

    (On another note: I want to kidnap Caesar so badly….)

  4. Who else would be very familiar with the battleship’s master control program but our dear Scott?

    Though if it’s another fun new character, welcome! Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  5. The guy he locked out of the system that one time? Or Scott’s dad 😆

    Wait … didn’t Scott’s dad’s friend say he was going to stick his head into a Scott’s business through Rocard?

  6. Ooh, I wonder who it is owo Also, can someone refresh my memory on what that development eith Scott that Xiao Momo was remembering?

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  7. Rocard’s own guide and the chef, using him as a guinea pig work in a different field so the expers is not one of them. It could be either Scott himself or one of those who supervised the Academy’s exam on the small planet. Maybe the guy, who was soooo impressed with Wu ZiMo’s code? I think his name was Lao Yu, a member od DaLi’s team?

    Anyway, thank you for the chapter!!! Looking forward to the development. 😘🤩

  8. My guess would be that poor soul who had to deal with Wu Zimo ravageing their database during the testing. I forget his name.

  9. The expert definitely Scott. If it wasn’t Scott, he’ll definitely keep drinking vinegar on his own and will stalk WZM’s lab the entire time. He’ll bully Rocard too. 😂

  10. Aiyo silly Rocard, stop fooling around with little Zimo! He’s only 18 or so. Tsk tsk.

    Thank you for the chapter~

  11. We all know the expert that will come, who better than the Marshall Scott? And FINALLY THEY REMEMBER THAT WORK EXIST! DAMNABLE GOSSIP LOVERS!!!

    Thank you for the chapter! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

  12. Rocard: Dun worry, this person I’m bring over is VERY trustworthy!

    Zimo: Sus

  13. I wonder what happened to Lyle and the rest of the students lol

    Like training yea but we haven’t heard from them at all😔