I Like Your PheromonesCh57 - Late night


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Translator's Note

Red packets/红包 (or angbaos as people in my country call them) is money wrapped in a red packet and are usually given by people older than us during auspicious events such as Lunar New Year or weddings. It is a way of wishing good luck to the person you are giving the red packet to. Fun fact: We usually give amounts with the number 8 in them as the Chinese word for eight means to be prosperous and we avoid the number 4 as it sounds a lot like ‘death’ in Chinese and is considered unlucky.

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  1. Gege? This is definitely a seduction +100. Now it all depends on Lu Xingci’s sheer power of will (=ↀωↀ=)

    Also, it seems both of them have the approval of everyone’s parents~ Can’t wait for Duan Jiayan to be overwhelmed by Lu Xingci’s mom fawning over him hehe

  2. His mother must have been so panicked when she saw him passed out. Thank God that Lu Xingci came as quickly as he could.

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  3. Trying to start something 😆. I’m glad Lu Xingci carries that hospital report around to explain things clearly.

  4. I’m melting QAQ,, this is so soft. Flipping a table! When is it my turn to be happy? 🧚‍♀️

  5. Is it a thank you kiss? Hehehehe

    “gege” would be really happy


    Thank you for the chapter!!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜