I Like Your PheromonesCh45 - To give in


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  1. thanks for the chapter!! ♡♡♡

    caught an error- “If it were any other time, Duan Jiayan would not have directly raised his fist.” this is supposed to be lu xingci instead.

  2. Correction needed: This should be DJY watching and being held while LXC answers his phone….

    Lu Xingci watched as the boy hugged him with one hand and answered his phone with the other.

  3. Gosh that was sweet! The way Shen Chilie saw it, Lu Xingci was barely holding himself back from biting and mating, because he likes Duan Jiayan so much. The way it seemed though, is like Lu Xingci wanted to appear aggressive (opportunity to test the waters, at least) but couldn’t bring himself to follow through. Duan Jiayan handled it exactly right – instinctively almost.

  4. I feel that raising freesias in LXC’s mouth has two meanings, raise the flower or raise a cute DJY.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  5. Awe I’m in decisive if this chapter was hot or fluffy lol Thanks for the chapter ☺️💓

  6. …..is it illegal to hand package this freesia and personally deliver it to his door step? Both babies must get happy!