I Like Your PheromonesCh46 - Watching a movie


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  1. I always love to see the interactions between these two and how the relationship is slowly building up!

    Thank you for this chapter and be safe 💙

  2. “I’ve also tricked you once, now we’re even.” Okay, this wass so cute

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  3. I love how Duan Jiayan doesn’t pretend to be angry just to make Lu Xingci sorry. They’re so cute together!

  4. They are just so damn cute !! 😍

    I wanted to thank you Tea for your amazing work. And if you need extra time to rest or whatsoever then I’m sure most of are fine with it. You’ve already published so many extra chapters thanks to the kofi donations lately. If that’s not an early Christmas gift then I don’t know what is one. ❤

  5. ah, and the translator’s name is Milk Tea, are tyey calling you hot? XD

    thanks for translating~ i’m still trying to catch up on multiple novels myself, so i don’t mind if updates are a little slow ♡♡

  6. Awwww this is so cutee

    I love how both of them are straight-forward. No pushing and pulling mind games, they just like each other’s company ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

  7. Xiao Duan ah~ Xiao Duan~ Myabe you should rethink your feelings ah, I think your already falling into the bottomless pit that you dug yourself la~