I Like Your PheromonesCh44 - Rut


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Translator's Note

Chinese slang to call someone amazing, impressive or cool.

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  1. I was expecting he would be like a wild dog without consciousness lol

    Thanks for the chapter 💙

  2. The tension in this chapter was so overwhelming. I’m itching to check out MTL, but I’ll wait. 🙈

  3. Wahhhhhhh this Lu Xingci is 🥵🥵🥵 boy you gotta runnnnnnn or not it’s all good 😊

    Thanks for the chapter 😊

  4. I’m glad the school tyrant has a sense of fair play – he has indeed been helped many times. He would probably be heartbroken if another omega came instead but he’s not even thinking about that. Or a possible third bite 😉.

  5. Sh*t!!!! I regret! I regret! I shoudn’t have read this chapter until atleast five more chapters where uploaded😭 The clifthanger is brutal!!!!

    Thankyou for the new chapter btw💜😘