I Like Your PheromonesCh33 - Flag-Raising Podium


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Translator's Note

A formal way to address one’s father, often used in the olden days. Just in case you’re curious, it’s pronounced something like ‘dee-eh’.

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  1. Lu dog: Others want to cover my Yanyan?? Hear me read my love declaration, you peasants!

    Thank you for this chapter!! Please, stay healthy! 🙂

  2. “He doesn’t like me.” That one sentence says it all. 😭 Poor guy his darling tells him over and over again that he is not interested and now some rats are also starting to sneak around and start getting interested. 😓

  3. AAAAAAAA The husband covering the pheromone of wife jcsnhedjbsbsn 😭😭😭💖🥺🥺

  4. awww… it’s too bad there will be no update next week, but i understand irl work can be such a bum. we will wait!

    thank you for the hardwork